Florida Homeowner Suing Six Poker Players


A Florida homeowner, Scott Crespo, is suing 6 online poker players from Illinois to recoup “unlawful poker gambling losses”. Crespo is looking for three times the total amount lost to those individuals in addition to the court costs plus “any other relief that the Court deems just”.

Scott Crespo, a resident of Florida, has recently submitted a lawsuit against six poker players from Illinois, like close to 190 pages of match results from 2006 totoday.

Crespo’s legal action is targeted at Andy “BKiCe” Seth, Benjamin “Chong94” LeFew, Mohsin “chicagocards1” Charania, Faraz “The-Toilet” Jaka, Ravi “govshark2” Raghavan and Tyler “puffinmypurp” Reiman.

With the lawsuit, Crespo is trying to get back “illegal poker gambling losses”, as he claims the party of six has “actively recruited other individuals to participate in illegal gambling activity” and “committed acts of collusion and cheating while playing online poker”. His close check-up describes nearly 700 match cashes by the earlier mentioned mentioned group of poker players on various poker rooms.

To date, Crespo has no proof that they scammed or did some thing illegal but it instead appears like he is on major tilt and wishes to get three times the money back the money he lost to those poker players.

Poker Player Alliance takes curiosity in the case.

The litigation also introduces the cheating scams on several regarded poker rooms, as well as listing many programs that were apparently utilized for collusion, for example Calculatem Pro, Poker Crusher, Poker Bot Pro, Pocket aces and No Rules Poker. However, it isn’t defined whether any of the defendants used such software programs or not.

The Poker Player Alliance has taken interest in this case, as the Poker Player Alliance Kentucky State Director Rich Muny confirmed that he has already spoken with some of the defendants and that the issue has been talked about at the highest levels within the Poker Player Alliance.

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