Regional Championships to be played online


PokerStars has initiated the completly new RCOOP (Regional Championships of Online Poker) kicking off by the end of the year, giving players the opportunity to play poker against others in their region for more than seven million in cash.

Regional Championships of Online Poker is planned to be played in thirteen separate areas, each with its own 11-tournament series and while its usually English only on PokerStars, Regional Championships of Online Poker poker players will be allowed to chat in their own languages during the events. For more information about the rules for RCOOP checkout the tournaments dedicated page. If you are going to signup to RCOOP make sure you get as many free poker tips as possible before sitting down at the table.

Team PokerStars Pros are said to compete regionally .

Every area has a guaranteed prize pool and its own final event, with more than seven million dollars in total being given out across all areas.

The 13 areas include Russia, Nordic countries, Baltic countries, USA, Canada, Germany, Asia-Pacific, UK & Ireland, Mediterranean countries, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Iberian countries, and Benelux countries.

Russia will kick things off beginning Oct. 31 and while most of the regions will run events in November some are set for December and bleed into next year.

More information and the full schedule for each area can be found on the PokerStars Regional Championships of Online Poker web page.
Information from PokerStars to hold an Online Regional Championship

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